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Lestvica in kvote v ameriški nogometni ligi
Sistem nogometne lige Združenih držav Amerike je vrsta profesionalnih in amaterskih nogometnih lig, ki v celoti ali delno temeljijo na Združenih državah. Včasih imenovane ameriška nogometna piramida, ekipe in lige niso povezane s sistemom napredovanja in izpada, ki je značilen za nogomet drugje. Namesto tega nogometna zveza Združenih držav Amerike (USSF) opredeljuje profesionalne lige v treh ravneh, imenovanih divizije, pri čemer vse druge lige, ki jih sankcionira USSF, nimajo uradno določene ravni ali divizije.
Zaradi praktičnih in zgodovinskih razlogov lahko v teh ligah nastopijo tudi nekatere ekipe iz Bermudov, Kanade in Portorika (ki jih FIFA šteje za ločeno državo). Vendar te ekipe niso upravičene do odprtega pokala ZDA in ne morejo zastopati Združenih držav v ligi prvakov CONCACAF, ker niso povezane z ameriškim nogometom. Nobena profesionalna liga v nobeni od glavnih profesionalnih lig v ZDA ali Kanadi, vključno s profesionalnimi nogometnimi ligami, trenutno ne uporablja sistema napredovanja in izpada. Upravno telo države za šport, nogometna zveza Združenih držav Amerike (znana tudi kot USSF ali ameriški nogomet), nadzoruje sistem lige in je odgovorno za sankcioniranje profesionalnih lig. Lige so same odgovorne za sprejem in vodenje posameznih ekip. Amaterski nogomet v Združenih državah ureja Združenje odraslih odraslih nogometa (USASA), edina amaterska nogometna organizacija, ki jo je sankcioniral USSF. Združena nogometna liga je razmišljala o samodejnem napredovanju in izpadanju med svojimi ligami, kot obstaja v mnogih drugih sistemih državnih lig, vendar nikoli ni bila izvedena; čeprav je prišlo do prostovoljnega napredovanja in izpada. Nekatere amaterske lige, ki jih je odobrila USASA, uporabljajo tudi sisteme napredovanja in izpada na več ravneh svojih lig. Vendar nikoli ni bil ponujen sistem napredovanja, ki temelji na zaslugah, v "nacionalnih" ligah USASA, NPSL in League Two.
Zaradi praktičnih in zgodovinskih razlogov lahko v teh ligah nastopijo tudi nekatere ekipe iz Bermudov, Kanade in Portorika (ki jih FIFA šteje za ločeno državo). Vendar te ekipe niso upravičene do odprtega pokala ZDA in ne morejo zastopati Združenih držav v ligi prvakov CONCACAF, ker niso povezane z ameriškim nogometom. Nobena profesionalna liga v nobeni od glavnih profesionalnih lig v ZDA ali Kanadi, vključno s profesionalnimi nogometnimi ligami, trenutno ne uporablja sistema napredovanja in izpada. Upravno telo države za šport, nogometna zveza Združenih držav Amerike (znana tudi kot USSF ali ameriški nogomet), nadzoruje sistem lige in je odgovorno za sankcioniranje profesionalnih lig. Lige so same odgovorne za sprejem in vodenje posameznih ekip. Amaterski nogomet v Združenih državah ureja Združenje odraslih odraslih nogometa (USASA), edina amaterska nogometna organizacija, ki jo je sankcioniral USSF. Združena nogometna liga je razmišljala o samodejnem napredovanju in izpadanju med svojimi ligami, kot obstaja v mnogih drugih sistemih državnih lig, vendar nikoli ni bila izvedena; čeprav je prišlo do prostovoljnega napredovanja in izpada. Nekatere amaterske lige, ki jih je odobrila USASA, uporabljajo tudi sisteme napredovanja in izpada na več ravneh svojih lig. Vendar nikoli ni bil ponujen sistem napredovanja, ki temelji na zaslugah, v "nacionalnih" ligah USASA, NPSL in League Two.
Trenutno ni predvidenih stav v tej kategoriji.
Datum | Dogodek | Rezultat |
24.07 | Columbus Crew 2 - New England Revolution II | 4:1 |
18.07 | Round Rock SC - Houston FC | 2:3 |
15.07 | Muskegon Risers SC - FC Columbus | 2:0 |
10.07 | Tulsa Athletics - Reign FK | 2:1 |
10.07 | Cleveland Force SC - Dayton Dutch Lions | 1:1 |
27.06 | Hudson Valley Hammers - Cedar Stars Rush | 3:4 |
26.06 | Ventura County Fusion - Central Valley Fuego FC 2 | 1:0 |
26.06 | Pensacola FC - Jacksonville Armada | 0:1 |
26.06 | Minnesota Twinstars FC - Sioux Falls Thunder FC | 1:2 |
20.06 | Miami United FC - Miami Dutch Lions FC | 5:2 |
19.06 | Philadelphia Union II - Chicago Fire FC II | 1:1 |
19.06 | Columbus Crew 2 - Orlando City B | 6:1 |
19.06 | St. Louis Lions - Springfield Asc | 4:1 |
16.06 | FA Euro New York - FC Motown 2 | 1:1 |
12.06 | Philadelphia Lone Star FC - Philadelphia Ukrainian Nationals | 3:4 |
12.06 | FC Manitoba - Peoria City | 1:4 |
12.06 | Napa Valley 1839 FC - FC Davis | 8:1 |
12.06 | Corpus Christi FC - Houston FC | 2:1 |
12.06 | Southern Soccer Academy Kings - Peachtree City MOBA | 1:0 |
07.06 | Asheville City SC - South Georgia Tormenta FC 2 | 2:1 |
31.05 | Tennessee SC - Southern Soccer Academy Kings | 0:0 |
29.05 | Sporting Kansas City II - Vancouver Whitecaps FC II | 1:1 |
23.05 | Long Island Rough Riders - Morris Elite Sc | 5:0 |
23.05 | Cedar Stars Rush - FC Motown 2 | 1:1 |
22.05 | FC Cincinnati 2 - New England Revolution II | 0:1 |
22.05 | Seacoast United Phantoms - Vermont Green FC | 1:0 |
22.05 | Toledo Villa FC - Dayton Dutch Lions | 2:1 |
22.05 | Denton Diablos FC - Fort Worth Vaqueros FC | 3:0 |
22.05 | Austin United FC - Irving Fc | 2:2 |
22.05 | North Alabama SC - Lsa Athletico Lanier | 0:0 |
22.05 | Reading United AC - Philadelphia Lone Star FC | 2:2 |
22.05 | AFC Mobile - Florida Roots Fc | 1:2 |
22.05 | Tallahassee SC - Southern States Sc | 0:2 |
22.05 | Sunflower State FC - Oklahoma City 1889 Fc | 0:0 |
07.05 | Reign FK - Tulsa Athletics | 1:5 |
01.05 | New England Revolution II - Inter Miami CF II | 1:0 |
24.04 | Columbus Crew 2 - Toronto FC II | 2:1 |
24.04 | Oakland SC - El Farolito | 1:8 |
24.04 | Sacramento Gold FC - Academica SC | 1:1 |
10.04 | Toronto FC II - New York City FC II | 3:1 |
12.12 | Clemson - Washington | 2:0 |
07.12 | Florida State - BYU | 0:0 |
21.11 | New Amsterdam FC - San Diego 1904 FC | 4:0 |
21.11 | Stumptown Athletic - Chattanooga FC | 0:1 |
20.11 | Michigan Stars - Detroit City FC | 2:3 |
18.11 | Maryland Bobcats FC - California Utd Strikers | 1:1 |
14.11 | San Diego 1904 FC - New Amsterdam FC | 1:2 |
14.11 | Chicago House AC - Stumptown Athletic FC | 2:1 |
14.11 | Chattanooga FC - Michigan Stars | 1:0 |
11.11 | California Utd Strikers - San Diego 1904 FC | 3:1 |
07.11 | New Amsterdam United - California United Strikers | 1:4 |
07.11 | Chicago House AC - La Force | 2:1 |
07.11 | Stumptown Athletic - San Diego 1904 FC | 1:1 |
06.11 | Detroit City FC - Chattanooga FC | 2:0 |
06.11 | Michigan Stars - Maryland Bobcats FC | 2:2 |
04.11 | Maryland Bobcats FC - LA Force | 1:2 |
04.11 | Chattanooga FC - Chicago House AC | 2:0 |
31.10 | Purdue - Ohio State | 1:0 |
31.10 | San Diego 1904 FC - Stumptown Athletic FC | 0:0 |
31.10 | Maryland Bobcats FC - Chattanooga FC | 1:0 |
31.10 | Juventus Academy Miami - Strikers Miami Fc | 5:1 |
30.10 | Detroit City FC - California United Strikers | 1:0 |
30.10 | Michigan Stars - La Force | 1:2 |
24.10 | LA Force - Michigan Stars | 1:1 |
24.10 | San Diego 1904 FC - California Utd Strikers | 1:2 |
24.10 | Chicago House AC - Maryland Bobcats FC | 2:5 |
24.10 | Chattanooga FC - New Amsterdam FC | 1:0 |
21.10 | LA Force - San Diego 1904 FC | 2:1 |
21.10 | Chicago House AC - Chattanooga Red Wolves SC | 1:0 |
17.10 | Michigan Stars - Chattanooga Red Wolves SC | 3:1 |
17.10 | LA Force - New Amsterdam FC | 0:0 |
17.10 | California Utd Strikers - Stumptown Athletic FC | 1:1 |
17.10 | San Diego 1904 FC - Detroit City FC | 1:2 |
17.10 | Maryland Bobcats FC - Chicago House AC | 2:1 |
10.10 | Chicago House AC - San Diego 1904 FC | 1:0 |
10.10 | Stumptown Athletic FC - LA Force | 0:0 |
10.10 | New Amsterdam FC - Maryland Bobcats FC | 4:0 |
09.10 | Detroit City FC - Michigan Stars | 1:0 |
08.10 | Chattanooga FC - California Utd Strikers | 1:2 |
07.10 | Maryland Bobcats FC - Michigan Stars | 0:1 |
04.10 | California United Strikers - Chattanooga FC | 1:1 |
03.10 | Michigan Stars - New Amsterdam FC | 1:4 |
03.10 | LA Force - Stumptown Athletic | 2:2 |
03.10 | San Diego 1904 FC - Chicago House AC | 0:2 |
03.10 | Detroit City FC - Maryland Bobcats FC | 0:0 |
30.09 | New Amsterdam FC - Detroit City FC | 1:6 |
27.09 | California Utd Strikers - Maryland Bobcats FC | 1:0 |
26.09 | San Diego 1904 FC - Chattanooga FC | 1:2 |
26.09 | Detroit City FC - LA Force | 1:0 |
26.09 | Stumptown Athletic FC - New Amsterdam FC | 1:0 |
25.09 | Chicago House AC - Michigan Stars | 1:1 |
19.09 | Maryland Bobcats FC - New Amsterdam FC | 1:2 |
19.09 | Detroit City FC - Stumptown Athletic FC | 0:1 |
19.09 | Chattanooga FC - San Diego 1904 FC | 1:1 |
17.09 | LA Force - Chicago House AC | 1:0 |
16.09 | New Amsterdam FC - Stumptown Athletic FC | 1:2 |
16.09 | Maryland Bobcats FC - Detroit City FC | 0:4 |
13.09 | California Utd Strikers - Chicago House AC | 1:0 |
12.09 | Michigan Stars - San Diego 1904 FC | 4:2 |
12.09 | LA Force - Chattanooga FC | 3:1 |
12.09 | Stumptown Athletic FC - Maryland Bobcats FC | 0:1 |
11.09 | Detroit City FC - New Amsterdam FC | 2:1 |
10.09 | Virginia - Penn State | 2:4 |
09.09 | California United Strikers - LA Force | 1:1 |
05.09 | San Diego 1904 FC - LA Force | 1:2 |
05.09 | California Utd Strikers - New Amsterdam FC | 4:1 |
05.09 | Maryland Bobcats FC - Stumptown Athletic FC | 1:1 |
05.09 | Chattanooga FC - Detroit City FC | 1:2 |
04.09 | Michigan Stars - Chicago House AC | 0:0 |
02.09 | Stumptown Athletic - Michigan Stars | 0:0 |
30.08 | Chicago House AC - Detroit City FC | 0:1 |
29.08 | New Amsterdam FC - Michigan Stars | 0:2 |
29.08 | Maryland Bobcats FC - San Diego 1904 FC | 3:1 |
29.08 | Stumptown Athletic FC - California Utd Strikers | 2:1 |
29.08 | Chattanooga FC - LA Force | 0:1 |
22.08 | LA Force - California Utd Strikers | 1:1 |
22.08 | Chicago House AC - New Amsterdam FC | 0:4 |
22.08 | Detroit City FC - San Diego 1904 FC | 3:0 |
22.08 | Chattanooga FC - Maryland Bobcats FC | 3:0 |
21.08 | Michigan Stars - Stumptown Athletic FC | 0:0 |
15.08 | San Diego 1904 FC - Michigan Stars | 2:1 |
15.08 | California Utd Strikers - Detroit City FC | 1:1 |
15.08 | New Amsterdam FC - Chattanooga FC | 2:1 |
15.08 | Stumptown Athletic - Chicago House AC | 0:1 |
08.08 | San Diego 1904 FC - Maryland Bobcats FC | 3:2 |
08.08 | New Amsterdam FC - LA Force | 1:1 |
08.08 | Detroit City FC - Chicago House AC | 3:2 |
08.08 | Chattanooga FC - Stumptown Athletic FC | 3:1 |
07.08 | Michigan Stars - California United Strikers | 3:4 |
01.08 | California Storm - San Francisco Nighthawks | 1:4 |
01.08 | Fresno Freeze - Lamorinda United | 1:2 |
01.08 | Des Moines Menace - North Carolina Fusion U23 | 1:0 |
29.07 | Detroit City FC - Livonia City | 10:0 |
28.07 | Milwaukee Torrent - Med City FC | 4:1 |
26.07 | California Utd Strikers - FC Arizona | 1:0 |
25.07 | California Storm - Fresno Freeze | 4:1 |
25.07 | Pleasanton Rage - San Francisco Nighthawks | 2:3 |
25.07 | Capital City FC - Boise Cutthroats FC | 1:2 |
25.07 | Newtown Pride FC - New Amsterdam FC | 1:1 |
24.07 | San Antonio Athenians SC - Santa Clarita BH | 0:4 |
24.07 | Midwest United - Connecticut Fusion | 1:2 |
22.07 | Marin Alliance - FC Davis | 0:2 |
21.07 | San Ramon - FC Bay Area | 1:3 |
19.07 | Santa Clarita Blue Heat - Calgary Foothills | 1:1 |
19.07 | Lamorinda United - Marin FC Alliance | 5:0 |
19.07 | Diablo Valley Wolves - FC Bay Area | 2:3 |
19.07 | FC Surge - Team Boca Blast | 1:1 |
19.07 | Miami United FC - Cape Coral Cyclones | 0:4 |
18.07 | Soda City FC - Atletico Atlanta | 1:1 |
18.07 | Milwaukee Torrent - Chicago Red Stars II | 0:5 |
18.07 | Oceanside Dutch Lions FC - San Diego Strikers | 0:2 |
18.07 | ASC San Diego - Magia Futbol Academy | 1:4 |
18.07 | FC Davis - California Storm | 2:3 |
18.07 | PDX FC - Bay Cities FC | 5:3 |
18.07 | Lamorinda United - Diablo Valley Wolves | 7:0 |
18.07 | LA Force - Chula Vista FC | 2:0 |
18.07 | San Francisco Nighthawks - San Ramon | 1:2 |
18.07 | Miami Beach CF - Florida Tropics | 2:2 |
17.07 | Milwaukee Bavarian SC - Chicago Dutch Lions | 0:1 |
17.07 | Kalonji Pro Profile - Bowling Green FC | 8:0 |
17.07 | Philly Fever - Torch FC | 1:0 |
17.07 | Colorado Rush - Colorado Pride | 2:1 |
17.07 | Duluth FC - Sioux Falls Thunder FC | 5:2 |
16.07 | Breakaway FC - San Diego Strikers | 1:4 |
16.07 | FC Davis - Lamorinda United | 0:3 |
15.07 | Marin Alliance - San Francisco Nighthawks | 1:2 |
15.07 | Chicago City SC - Chicago Red Star | 1:5 |
15.07 | Milwaukee Torrent - Chicago Dutch Lions | 2:2 |
15.07 | Detroit City FC - FC Buffalo | 3:1 |
15.07 | Union Dubuque FC - Milwaukee Torrent | 0:5 |
15.07 | Florida Krush - Clermont Kicks FC | 0:2 |
15.07 | FC Surge - Cape Coral Cyclones | 1:0 |
13.07 | Chicago City SC - Milwaukee Bavarian SC | 3:3 |
12.07 | Colorado Rapids - Colorado Pride | 3:0 |
12.07 | New York Red Bulls U23 - Fc Motown | 1:1 |
12.07 | Independence North - North Carolina Fusion U23 | 1:4 |
11.07 | Radd FC - Clermont Kicks FC | -:- |
11.07 | Cornerstone Toppro - Atlanta Generals | 5:2 |
11.07 | Columbus Eagles - Dayton Dutch Lions FC | 0:4 |
11.07 | Utah Arrows - Indios Denver | 3:2 |
11.07 | Wilco FC - Alacranes Fort Worth | 3:0 |
11.07 | Midwest United - Muskegon Risers SC | 5:0 |
11.07 | California Storm - Pleasanton Rage | 1:0 |
11.07 | Utah Red Devils - Indios Denver | 4:3 |
11.07 | FC Golden State - Invictus Athletic Club | 12:2 |
11.07 | CTX Hornets - Bat Country FC | 0:2 |
11.07 | Austin Elite - San Antonio Athenians SC | 0:2 |
11.07 | Fire & Ice SC - Cincinnati Sirens | 1:0 |
11.07 | Chicago Red Stars II - Milwaukee Torrent | 1:1 |
11.07 | SC United Bantams - Peachtree City MOBA | 4:2 |
11.07 | Detroit City FC - Lansing United | 3:0 |
11.07 | Philadelphia Lone Star FC - Buxmont Torch FC | 0:0 |
11.07 | New England Mutiny - Long Island Rough Riders | 1:2 |
11.07 | Utah Arrows - Colorado Rush | 2:2 |
11.07 | Minneapolis City SC - Joy St. Louis Park | 2:3 |
11.07 | Katy 1895 FC - FC Brownsville | 5:1 |
10.07 | Dayton Dutch Lions FC - FC Pride | 3:1 |
10.07 | Philly Fever - Hershey SC | 0:1 |
10.07 | El Paso Surf - FC Tucson | 0:3 |
10.07 | Green Bay Glory - Milwaukee Bavarian SC | 0:1 |
10.07 | Croatia Juniors - Motor City FC | 3:0 |
10.07 | Breakaway FC - ASC San Diego | 2:2 |
10.07 | Colorado Rush - Ogden City SC | 0:0 |
10.07 | Utah Surf - Colorado Rush | 1:8 |
10.07 | Williamson County FC - Side FC 92 | 3:8 |
10.07 | FC Dallas - Fortuna Tulsa | 0:2 |
10.07 | Southern Soccer Academy - Peachtree City | 3:1 |
08.07 | FC Arizona - San Diego 1904 FC | -:- |
08.07 | St. Louis Scott Gallagher - Gretna Elite Academy | 0:0 |
08.07 | Oklahoma City - FC Dallas | 4:1 |
08.07 | Florida Krush - Florida Premier FC | -:- |
08.07 | Chicago Dutch Lions - Chicago Red Stars II | 1:1 |
08.07 | FC Pride - St. Louis Lions | 8:0 |
07.07 | San Diego Strikers - Breakaway FC | 5:0 |
07.07 | Indios Denver - Colorado Rapids | 0:2 |
07.07 | Brooklyn City FC - Long Island Rough Riders | -:- |
07.07 | Milwaukee Bavarian SC - Milwaukee Torrent | 2:0 |
07.07 | Pensacola FC - Port City FC | (2:1) 5:1 |
07.07 | Cleveland Ambassadores - Pittsburgh Hotspur FC | 5:1 |
06.07 | New York Red Bulls U23 - Manhattan SC | 2:0 |
04.07 | South Star - FC Dallas | 1:2 |
04.07 | Detroit City FC - LA Force | 1:0 |
04.07 | Austin Elite - CTX Hornets | 3:0 |
04.07 | North Alabama SC - Metro Louisville Fc | 1:2 |
04.07 | North Alabama SC - Alabama | 3:0 |
03.07 | Side FC 92 - North Texas Legends FC | 2:0 |
03.07 | San Francisco Nighthawks - Diablo Valley Wolves | 1:2 |
03.07 | Kalonji Pro Profile - LSA Limeno | 4:2 |
03.07 | Lynchburg FC - Olympiacos DC | 4:2 |
03.07 | New Jersey Copa - Brooklyn City FC | 3:2 |
03.07 | FC Tucson - Phoenix del Sol | 3:0 |
03.07 | FC Golden State - Los Angeles Surf | 1:3 |
03.07 | FC Arizona - Atomic City FC | 2:1 |
03.07 | Bat Country FC - San Antonio Athenians SC | 0:4 |
03.07 | Milwaukee Torrent - Chicago City SC | 2:1 |
03.07 | Houston Aces - Lonestar SC | 8:1 |
03.07 | Midwest United - Detroit City FC | 2:1 |
02.07 | Diablo Valley Wolves - MVLA Wolves | 1:2 |
02.07 | Charlotte Lady Eagles - SC United Bantams | 4:0 |
02.07 | FC Brownsville - Coyotes Fc | 1:2 |
01.07 | Chicago City SC - Chicago Dutch Lions | 1:1 |
01.07 | Cedar Stars Rush - Manhattan SC | 2:0 |
01.07 | WFC Charlotte - Asheville City SC | 0:3 |
01.07 | Morris Elite Sc - Fc Motown | 1:0 |
01.07 | Chattanooga FC - LA Force | 2:3 |
01.07 | FC Surge - Sunrise Prime FC | 4:1 |
01.07 | Real Central New Jersey - Northern Virginia Fc | 0:1 |
01.07 | Round Rock SC - AHFC Royals | 2:1 |
01.07 | Jacksonville Armada U23 - New Orleans Jesters | 3:2 |
01.07 | Tallahassee SC - Pensacola FC | 2:4 |
01.07 | St. Louis Lions - Fire & Ice SC | 0:3 |
01.07 | Philadelphia Lone Star FC - FC Frederick | 3:2 |
01.07 | Albion SC Pros - FC Golden State | 1:1 |
30.06 | Long Island Rough Riders - New Jersey Copa FC | 0:0 |
30.06 | Tampa Bay United Sc - Fc Florida U23 | -:- |
30.06 | FC Dallas - Oklahoma City FC | 3:1 |
30.06 | NJ Wizards SC Cedar Stars - Monmouth | 1:2 |
29.06 | Pittsburgh Steel City FC - Corktown AFC | 0:4 |
28.06 | Fresno Freeze - FC Davis | 2:1 |
28.06 | Colorado Pride - Broomfield Burn FC | 2:0 |
28.06 | Austin Elite - Williamson County FC | 0:1 |
28.06 | Chicago KICS FC - Midwest United | 1:3 |
28.06 | Nashville Rhythm FC - Southern Soccer Academy | 2:2 |
28.06 | Gotham FC II - STA | 3:0 |
28.06 | WFC Charlotte - Independence Central | 2:0 |
28.06 | Chattanooga Red Wolves SC - Alabama FC | 2:0 |
28.06 | Internacional CA - Santa Clarita Blue Heat | 1:1 |
28.06 | Miami Beach CF - Miami Sun FC | 2:0 |
28.06 | Oak City United - Independence North | 2:1 |
27.06 | Radd FC - Florida Krush | 2:3 |
27.06 | FC Surge - Miami United FC | 3:1 |
27.06 | Roc City Boom - Greater Binghamton | 5:2 |
27.06 | SC Cleveland - FC Buffalo | 3:1 |
27.06 | Milwaukee Torrent - FC Indiana | 7:2 |
27.06 | Old Dominion Cesena - Washington Dutch Lions | 0:5 |
27.06 | Lansing United - Muskegon Risers SC | 4:0 |
27.06 | Columbus Eagles - Fire & Ice SC | 4:2 |
27.06 | Clermont Kicks FC - Florida Premier FC | 0:0 |
27.06 | El Paso Surf - FC Arizona | 0:6 |
27.06 | Fresno FC - Diablo Valley Wolves | 0:0 |
27.06 | Denton Diablos FC - Coyotes Fc | 6:1 |
27.06 | Wilco FC - Bat Country FC | 5:1 |
27.06 | Oklahoma City - Texas Spurs | 0:0 |
27.06 | St. Louis Scott Gallagher - FC Wichita | 2:2 |
27.06 | San Francisco Nighthawks - Lamorinda United | 2:4 |
27.06 | FC Tulsa - South Star | 2:0 |
27.06 | FC Brownsville - Laredo Heat | 2:4 |
27.06 | Irving Fc - Midland Odessa Sockers FC | 2:0 |
27.06 | Maryland Bobcats FC - San Diego 1904 FC | 3:1 |
27.06 | Detroit City FC - Chattanooga FC | 2:1 |
27.06 | West Chester United SC - FC Monmouth | 2:0 |
27.06 | New Orleans Jesters - Southern States Sc | 1:1 |
27.06 | Pensacola FC - Jacksonville Armada U23 | 1:3 |
27.06 | Tallahassee SC - AFC Mobile | 1:1 |
27.06 | Oklahoma City 1889 Fc - Tulsa Athletics | 0:2 |
27.06 | Chicago Mustangs - MSC Peoria | 6:1 |
27.06 | Marin FC Alliance - California Storm | 2:3 |
27.06 | CTX Hornets - San Antonio Athenians SC | 0:6 |
26.06 | Vlora FC - Granite City FC | 0:3 |
26.06 | Milwaukee Bavarian SC - Chicago City SC | 1:0 |
26.06 | Side FC 92 - Lone Star Republic FC | 1:2 |
26.06 | Invictus Athletic Club - Internacional CA | 2:5 |
26.06 | FC Pride - Columbus Eagles | 4:0 |
26.06 | New Jersey Copa FC - Long Island Rough Riders | 0:1 |
26.06 | Florida Krush - Tampa Bay United | -:- |
26.06 | Indios Denver - Colorado Pride | 2:3 |
26.06 | FC Tucson - Atomic City FC | 2:1 |
26.06 | Ogden City SC - Colorado Rush | 3:1 |
26.06 | Bat Country FC - FC Austin Elite | 3:1 |
26.06 | Pensacola - Atlanta Panthers | 4:0 |
26.06 | Southern Soccer Academy - Alabama FC | 1:1 |
26.06 | Stumptown Athletic FC - Michigan Stars | 0:0 |
26.06 | New Jersey Alliance - Match Fit Academy FC | 1:6 |
25.06 | Cleveland Ambassadores - Croatia Juniors FC | 4:1 |
24.06 | South Star - Texas Spurs | 4:0 |
24.06 | Milwaukee Torrent - Milwaukee Bavarian SC | 2:2 |
24.06 | Independence North - Wake FC | 3:0 |
23.06 | Gretna Elite Academy - St. Louis Scott Gallagher | 2:4 |
23.06 | Diablo Valley Wolves - Marin Alliance | 2:1 |
23.06 | Indios Denver - Broomfield Burn FC | 2:0 |
23.06 | Stumptown Athletic - San Diego 1904 FC | 3:1 |
22.06 | Utah Arrows - Utah Surf | 1:2 |
21.06 | Lamorinda United - California Storm | 0:0 |
21.06 | Colorado Rush - Broomfield Burn FC | 3:2 |
21.06 | Alabama FC - Southern Soccer Academy | 1:1 |
21.06 | Peachtree City - Chattanooga Red Wolves SC | 0:1 |
21.06 | Nashville Rhythm FC - North Alabama SC | 2:0 |
21.06 | Chicago City SC - Milwaukee Bavarian SC | 0:0 |
21.06 | Alacranes Fort Worth - CTX Hornets | 5:0 |
21.06 | St. Louis Lions - Columbus Eagles | 2:3 |
20.06 | Long Island Rough Riders - Connecticut Rush | 2:0 |
20.06 | Adrestia FC - Miami Beach CF | 0:3 |
20.06 | PDX FC - Ovf Alliance | 5:3 |
20.06 | Invictus Athletic Club - So Cal Union FC | 2:4 |
20.06 | Miami United FC - Florida Gulf Coast Dutch Lions FC | 0:1 |
20.06 | Miami Beach CF Academy - Palm Beach Stars U23 | 2:0 |
20.06 | Cleveland Ambassadors - Motor City FC | 6:1 |
20.06 | Independence North - Oak City United | 1:1 |
20.06 | Side FC 92 - Austin Elite | 0:2 |
20.06 | California Storm - San Ramon | 4:2 |
20.06 | LA Force - New Amsterdam FC | 2:0 |
20.06 | FC Davis - Pleasanton Rage | 4:1 |
20.06 | Lamorinda United - MVLA Wolves | 2:0 |
20.06 | Vlora FC - Minneapolis City Sc 2 | -:- |
20.06 | Fire & Ice SC - Columbus Eagles | 8:0 |
20.06 | Chattanooga FC - Stumptown Athletic | 0:1 |
20.06 | WPB Academy CF - Juventus Academy Doral | 0:0 |
20.06 | Florida Fusion - Juventus Academy Miami | 2:1 |
20.06 | Tampa Bay Rowdies U23 - The Villages | 3:1 |
20.06 | Michigan Stars - Maryland Bobcats FC | 1:3 |
20.06 | Lansing United - Corktown AFC | 0:4 |
20.06 | Georgia Revolution FC - Metro Louisville Fc | 3:1 |
20.06 | Washington Dutch Lions - CAFC Ospreys | 0:2 |
20.06 | Sunrise Prime FC - Cape Coral Cyclones | 0:4 |
19.06 | Miramar Utd Elite - City Soccer FC | 1:3 |
19.06 | Kalonji Pro Profile - Atlanta Elephants FC | 3:0 |
19.06 | Miami United FC - FC Surge | 0:1 |
19.06 | Chicago City SC - Green Bay Glory | 2:2 |
19.06 | Utah Arrows - Colorado Pride | 5:1 |
19.06 | Invictus Athletic Club - Legends FC | 1:3 |
19.06 | Florida Tropics - Florida Premier FC | 2:1 |
19.06 | LSA Limeno - Seas Jamaica FC | 2:1 |
19.06 | Orlando City U23 - Inter Jax FC | 2:1 |
19.06 | Olympiacos DC - FC Barcroft | 1:0 |
19.06 | Moros FC - Charlotte United | 5:0 |
19.06 | New Jersey Copa - Lancaster Inferno | 1:1 |
19.06 | New York Athletic - Soccer House Academy | 3:0 |
19.06 | Florida Krush - Radd FC | 3:0 |
19.06 | Los Angeles Surf - Legends FC | 1:2 |
19.06 | Deportivo Cali Miami - Colo Colo USA | 0:1 |
19.06 | Milwaukee Bavarian SC - Chicago Red Stars II | 1:0 |
19.06 | Lonestar SC - AHFC Royals | 0:3 |
19.06 | Southern Soccer Academy - North Alabama SC | 0:1 |
19.06 | Clermont Kicks FC - Florida Krush | 0:1 |
19.06 | Connecticut Fusion - Connecticut Rush | 1:2 |
18.06 | Miami Sun FC - Adrestia FC | 2:0 |
18.06 | FC Wichita - KC Courage | 2:1 |
17.06 | Diablo Valley Wolves - San Ramon | 3:2 |
17.06 | San Diego 1904 FC - New Amsterdam FC | 1:4 |
17.06 | Texas Spurs - FC Dallas | 1:1 |
17.06 | Corktown AFC - Midwest United | 2:4 |
17.06 | Miami United FC - Team Boca Blast | 0:0 |
17.06 | North Carolina Fusion U23 - Independence North | 1:0 |
16.06 | Charlotte Lady Eagles - Asheville City SC | 3:0 |
16.06 | Stumptown Athletic - California Utd Strikers | 1:1 |
15.06 | Vlora FC - FC Minneapolis | -:- |
15.06 | Pittsburgh Steel City FC - MSC Peoria | 2:6 |
14.06 | MVLA Wolves - California Storm | 0:2 |
14.06 | Nashville Rhythm FC - Chattanooga Red Wolves SC | 0:0 |
14.06 | Chicago KICS FC - Chicago Mustangs | 1:2 |
14.06 | Juventus Academy Miami - Adrestia FC | 4:3 |
14.06 | Miami - Sunrise FC | 0:0 |
14.06 | Alabama FC - Peachtree City | 1:1 |
14.06 | Real Central Nj - NJ/NY Gotham FC | 1:2 |
13.06 | Texas Spurs - Side FC 92 | 2:1 |
13.06 | NJ Wizards SC Cedar Stars - Match Fit Academy FC | 1:1 |
13.06 | Roc City Boom - FCY New York | 3:2 |
13.06 | Pleasanton Rage - Lamorinda United | 0:2 |
13.06 | FC Surge - Florida Gulf Coast Dutch Lions FC | 5:1 |
13.06 | Colorado Rapids - Utah Arrows | 3:2 |
13.06 | New Jersey Alliance FC - Sons of Queens FC | 3:2 |
13.06 | Fire & Ice SC - FC Pride | 0:3 |
13.06 | Motor City FC - Cleveland Ambassadors | 0:7 |
13.06 | Hudson Valley Hammers - Westchester United | 1:2 |
13.06 | Brazos Valley Cavalry - AHFC Royals | 1:1 |
13.06 | Oklahoma City FC - Fortuna Tulsa | 1:0 |
13.06 | North Alabama SC - Southern Soccer Academy | 1:1 |
13.06 | San Diego 1904 FC - Chattanooga FC | 1:1 |
13.06 | Little Rock Rangers - Round Rock SC | 3:0 |
13.06 | Fire & Ice SC - Dayton Dutch Lions FC | 1:1 |
13.06 | Colorado Pride - Utah Surf | 2:0 |
13.06 | Chicago Red Stars Reserves - Milwaukee Bavarian SC | 1:0 |
13.06 | San Ramon - FC Davis | 0:2 |
13.06 | Fort Worth Vaqueros FC - Midland Odessa Sockers FC | 0:1 |
13.06 | Irving Fc - Katy 1895 FC | 0:1 |
13.06 | Detroit City FC - Corktown AFC | 1:2 |
13.06 | North Carolina Fusion U23 - Virginia Beach United | 2:0 |
13.06 | Southern Soccer Academy Kings - East Atlanta Fc | 0:2 |
13.06 | FC Motown - FC Monmouth | 2:1 |
13.06 | Georgia Revolution FC - Appalachian Fc | 2:0 |
13.06 | Hartford City FC - Kingston Stockade FC | 1:1 |
13.06 | Miami Dutch Lions FC - Central Florida Panthers SC | 4:1 |
13.06 | Muskegon Risers SC - Lansing United | 1:5 |
13.06 | Cincinnati Sirens - Columbus Eagles | 2:1 |
13.06 | Clermont Kicks FC - Tampa Bay Utd | 3:4 |
12.06 | North Alabama SC - Georgia Storm | 2:0 |
12.06 | Chicago Mustangs - Indiana Elite FC | 10:0 |
12.06 | Storm FC - Naples United FC | 0:1 |
12.06 | FC Pride - Lady Victory FC | 2:3 |
12.06 | PDX FC - Ovf Alliance | 2:1 |
12.06 | Texas Lone Star Republic FC - Bad Country FC | 5:0 |
12.06 | San Antonio Athenians SC - Side FC 92 | 2:1 |
12.06 | Colorado Rapids - Utah Red Devils | 8:1 |
12.06 | North Jersey Alliance FC - NJ Wizards SC Cedar Stars | 0:1 |
12.06 | New Amsterdam FC - Maryland Bobcats FC | 0:0 |
12.06 | Chattanooga Red Wolves SC - Peachtree City | 2:0 |
12.06 | Charlotte Lady Eagles - Independence Central | 4:1 |
12.06 | Kalamazoo FC - Dayton Dutch Lions | 3:1 |
10.06 | FC Tucson - FC Arizona | 2:0 |
10.06 | San Ramon - Lamorinda United | 0:1 |
10.06 | LA Force - Chattanooga FC | 2:0 |
10.06 | San Antonio Blossoms - San Antonio Surf | 6:0 |
09.06 | California Utd Strikers - San Diego 1904 FC | 3:1 |
07.06 | Juventus Academy Doral - Palm Beach Flames | -:- |
07.06 | Texas Spurs - North Texas Legends FC | 1:2 |
07.06 | Real Irving CD - Rayados Irving FC | -:- |
07.06 | Brooklyn City FC - Long Island Rough Riders | -:- |
07.06 | Marin FC Alliance - Pleasanton Rage | 2:1 |
07.06 | FC Matata - Seas Jamaica FC | 0:3 |
07.06 | Oak City United - Wake FC | 2:1 |
07.06 | St. Louis Lions - FC Pride | 2:4 |
06.06 | Dayton Dutch Lions FC - Columbus Eagles | 2:2 |
06.06 | Philadelphia Lone Star FC - Virginia Beach City FC | 2:1 |
06.06 | Lansing United - Chicago KICS FC | 5:1 |
06.06 | Broomfield Burn FC - Indios Denver | 1:2 |
06.06 | CTX Hornets - FC Austin Elite | 0:3 |
06.06 | Maryland Bobcats FC - California Utd Strikers | 2:1 |
06.06 | Detroit City FC - Stumptown Athletic FC | 0:0 |
06.06 | Chattanooga FC - New Amsterdam FC | 2:0 |
06.06 | Michigan Stars - LA Force | 1:2 |
06.06 | Muskegon Risers SC - Detroit City FC | 0:10 |
06.06 | Florida Fusion - Miami Sun FC | 1:2 |
05.06 | Chicago City SC - Milwaukee Torrent | 2:1 |
05.06 | Philadelphia Lone Star FC - Philly Fever | 2:1 |
05.06 | Orlando City U23 - Inter Jax FC | 2:3 |
05.06 | FC Tucson - El Paso Surf | 2:1 |
05.06 | Colorado Rapids - Broomfield Burn FC | 4:0 |
05.06 | Asheville City SC - Independence Central | 2:0 |
05.06 | Midwest United - Corktown AFC | 4:2 |
05.06 | Chicago Mustangs - Lansing United | 2:0 |
04.06 | Miami Sun FC - Juventus Academy Doral | 0:4 |
03.06 | Nashville Rhythm FC - Peachtree City | 5:1 |
03.06 | Detroit City FC - LA Force | 3:0 |
02.06 | New Amsterdam FC - California United Strikers | 1:2 |
31.05 | LA Force - California Utd Strikers | 2:1 |
31.05 | Hudson Valley Hammers - Real New York FC | 3:2 |
31.05 | Alabama FC - North Alabama SC | 3:0 |
30.05 | Milwaukee Torrent - Green Bay Glory | 2:1 |
30.05 | Cleveland SC - Rochester Lancers | 4:1 |
30.05 | Austin Elite - Alacranes Fort Worth | 5:1 |
30.05 | San Diego 1904 FC - Michigan Stars | 1:0 |
30.05 | Chattanooga FC - Maryland Bobcats FC | 0:0 |
30.05 | Williamson County FC - CTX Hornets | 3:0 |
29.05 | New Jersey Copa - Worcester Smiles | 6:0 |
29.05 | Nashville Rhythm FC - Alabama FC | 1:0 |
28.05 | Penn Fusion SA - Torch FC | 2:0 |
27.05 | Corktown AFC - Detroit City FC | 0:3 |
27.05 | AC Connecticut - Western Mass Pioneers | 0:2 |
23.05 | Roc City Boom - Syracuse | 0:1 |
23.05 | Michigan Stars - Detroit City FC | 1:1 |
23.05 | Myrtle Beach FC - Laredo Heat | 0:2 |
22.05 | Hudson Valley Hammers - New Jersey FC | 4:0 |
16.05 | FC Matata - Club Atletic | 6:4 |
16.05 | North Alabama SC - Chattanooga Red Wolves SC | 0:3 |
16.05 | San Diego 1904 FC - Detroit City FC | 1:3 |
16.05 | Maryland Bobcats FC - LA Force | 0:2 |
16.05 | Pensacola FC - Tallahassee SC | 3:3 |
16.05 | Milwaukee Torrent - Panathinaikos Chicago | 3:2 |
15.05 | Pittsburgh - Indiana | 0:1 |
15.05 | New Amsterdam FC - Stumptown Athletic FC | 0:1 |
15.05 | Marshall - North Carolina State | 1:0 |
14.05 | North Carolina College - Santa Clara | 1:3 |
14.05 | Virginia - Florida State | 0:0 |
13.05 | California Utd Strikers - Detroit City FC | 0:3 |
13.05 | Stumptown Athletic - LA Force | 0:1 |
09.05 | Inter Miami CF - Atlanta United FC | (0:1) 1:1 |
09.05 | Maryland Bobcats FC - Stumptown Athletic FC | 1:2 |
09.05 | Chattanooga FC - Michigan Stars | 2:1 |
09.05 | Reign FK - Tulsa Athletics | 0:2 |
09.05 | Georgia Revolution - LSA Limeno | 6:0 |
08.05 | LA Force - San Diego 1904 FC | 0:1 |
08.05 | New Amsterdam FC - Detroit City FC | 0:1 |
03.05 | California United Strikers - Chattanooga FC | 1:0 |
02.05 | Texas Spurs - Arkansas Wolves FC | 6:0 |
23.04 | Detroit City FC - San Diego 1904 FC | 1:0 |
22.04 | LA Force - Michigan Stars | 0:2 |
22.04 | California Utd Strikers - Maryland Bobcats FC | 3:2 |
22.04 | Stumptown Athletic FC - New Amsterdam FC | 1:0 |
20.04 | Michigan Stars - Maryland Bobcats FC | 1:1 |
19.04 | Stumptown Athletic FC - California Utd Strikers | 1:1 |
19.04 | New Amsterdam FC - LA Force | 2:3 |
17.04 | Chattanooga FC - New Amsterdam FC | 3:0 |
16.04 | Maryland Bobcats FC - San Diego 1904 FC | 1:2 |
16.04 | Detroit City FC - Stumptown Athletic FC | 2:0 |
13.04 | Detroit City FC - California United Strikers | 0:0 |
10.04 | St. John´s University - Georgetown | 0:1 |
10.04 | Indiana - Northwestern | -:- |
10.04 | Penn State - Ohio State | 3:1 |
20.03 | Potros FC - Atlanta Elephants FC | 3:4 |
20.03 | Charlotte United - San Lee FC | 0:1 |
15.03 | Penn State - Rutgers | 4:2 |
13.03 | Purdue - Northwestern | 1:0 |
13.02 | Ginga Atlanta - OFC Barca | 1:0 |
06.02 | OFC Barca - Florida Soccer Soldiers | 3:3 |
30.01 | OFC Barca - GOSA Spurs | 3:2 |
30.01 | Ginga Atlanta - Charleston United | 1:1 |
24.01 | Houston FC - Round Rock SC | 1:4 |
24.01 | Palm Beach Stars - Florida Soccer Soldiers | 1:1 |
24.01 | Foro 360 Pro - Texas Spurs | 3:1 |
23.01 | Dragon City FC - St. Petersburg AC Aztecs | 3:1 |
17.01 | Miami United FC - Florida Soccer Soldiers | 2:2 |
16.01 | City Soccer FC - Palm Beach Stars | 2:3 |
16.01 | Ginga Atlanta - AFC 615 | 4:0 |
16.01 | Houston FC - Round Rock SC | 0:1 |
10.01 | Diaspora United - Orlando City SS HC | 4:2 |
09.01 | Orlando City Hunter´s Creek - Deportivo Lake Mary | 1:1 |
09.01 | City Soccer FC - Florida Fusion | 4:4 |
09.01 | PSE Conquistadores - Winter Haven United FC | 2:3 |
09.01 | Palm Beach Stars - Adrestia FC | 3:1 |
09.01 | PSL United SC - Florida Soccer Soldiers | 1:5 |
20.12 | Miami Beach CF - Florida Soccer Soldiers | 3:3 |
19.12 | Diaspora United - Inter Orlando FC | 2:0 |
19.12 | Ginga Atlanta - Seas Jamaica FC | 1:0 |
13.12 | Diaspora United - FK Orlando | 2:1 |
13.12 | LSA Limeno - Seas Jamaica FC | 2:3 |
13.12 | North Texas Legends FC - Lone Star Republic FC | 0:0 |
13.12 | Florida Fusion - Adrestia FC | 0:3 |
13.12 | Palm Beach Stars - Florida Soccer Soldiers | 3:4 |
12.12 | Foro 360 Pro - Weatherford FC | 0:0 |
12.12 | Tulsa Athletics - Real Irving CD | 0:0 |
12.12 | Houston FC - Laredo Heat | 3:1 |
11.12 | Texas Spurs - Foro 360 Pro | 3:2 |
05.12 | Real Irving CD - FC Bagos | 0:0 |
05.12 | Cornerstone Toppro - Atlanta Futuro FC | 0:0 |
05.12 | Miami Beach CF - Miami United FC | 0:0 |
05.12 | Ginga Atlanta - LSA Limeno | 4:1 |
28.11 | Diaspora United - Orlando City Hunter´s Creek | -:- |
28.11 | Potros FC - FC Matata | 1:5 |
23.11 | Orlando Rovers FC - Deportivo Lake Mary | 2:2 |
23.11 | Palm Beach Stars - Adrestia FC | 0:0 |
22.11 | Houston FC II - Houston Dynasty FC | 1:1 |
22.11 | The Mix Sports Club - OFC Barca | 1:4 |
22.11 | Nashville Knights FC - Arkansas Wolves FC | 3:2 |
22.11 | AFC 615 - Arkansas Wolves FC U23 | 4:1 |
22.11 | Potros FC - Seas Jamaica FC | 1:2 |
21.11 | Inter Orlando FC - FK Orlando | 0:0 |
21.11 | Miami United FC - Florida Soccer Soldiers | 1:2 |
21.11 | Foro 360 Pro - FC Bagos | 7:0 |
21.11 | New York Contour United - EFA Metro | 4:3 |
21.11 | Tulsa Athletic U20 - Weatherford FC | 6:1 |
21.11 | Miami Beach CF - Miami Sun FC | 1:1 |
15.11 | Sports Paradize Soccer Academy - Deportivo Lake Mary | 2:4 |
15.11 | Florida Soccer Soldiers - Florida Fusion | 0:0 |
15.11 | Miami Beach CF - Palm Beach Stars | 0:2 |
15.11 | Miami Sun FC - Miami United FC | 1:1 |
15.11 | The Mix Sports Club - GOSA Spurs | 1:9 |
15.11 | EFA Metro - Allentown United FC | 2:0 |
15.11 | FC Millennium - Germantown City FC | 0:3 |
14.11 | Real Irving CD - Foro SC | 0:0 |
14.11 | Tulsa Athletic Project 2020 - North Texas Legends FC | 4:1 |
14.11 | Dragon City FC - Sporting Tampa Bay | 10:1 |
14.11 | Combine Rush - Savannah Clovers | 4:0 |
08.11 | AFC 615 - Arkansas Wolves FC | 0:0 |
07.11 | Miami United FC - Miami Beach CF | 3:0 |
07.11 | Combine Rush - Greensboro International | 3:3 |
02.11 | GOSA Spurs - OFC Barca | 1:3 |
01.11 | The Mix Sports Club - Orlando Rovers FC | 3:1 |
01.11 | Tulsa Athletics - FC Bagos | 9:0 |
31.10 | Savannah Clovers - Soda City FC | 1:1 |
31.10 | Lone Star Republic FC - Weatherford FC | 4:0 |
29.10 | Minnesota United FC - Colorado Rapids | (1:0) 2:1 |
25.10 | Inter Orlando FC - OFC Barca | 0:2 |
25.10 | Real Irving CD - Tulsa Athletic U20 | 0:4 |
24.10 | Miami United FC - PSL United SC | 4:0 |
24.10 | North Jersey Alliance FC - Philadelphia Lone Star FC | 1:2 |
24.10 | Texas Spurs - FC Bagos | 5:1 |
18.10 | The Mix Sports Club - Orlando Rovers FC | 2:3 |
18.10 | Florida Fusion - Miami Beach CF | 4:2 |
18.10 | Virginia Tech - Louisville | 0:1 |
18.10 | Pittsburgh Panthers - Miami | 2:0 |
18.10 | Syracuse - Duke | -:- |
18.10 | EFA Metro - North Jersey Alliance FC | 3:2 |
18.10 | Philadelphia Lone Star FC - Santa Fe NY | 4:3 |
16.10 | North Texas Legends FC - Weatherford SC | 1:3 |
15.10 | Washington DC Utd - Philadelphia Union | (0:0) 2:2 |
08.10 | Seattle Sounders - Real Salt Lake | (1:0) 2:1 |
05.10 | Palm Beach Stars - Florida Fusion | -:- |
04.10 | Inter Orlando FC - Orlando City SS HC | 2:2 |
29.09 | NY Cosmos - LA Force | 1:2 |
28.09 | Chattanooga FC - California Utd Strikers | 1:1 |
27.09 | Oakland Roots - Michigan Stars | 1:0 |
26.09 | Diaspora United - Central Florida Mix | 2:0 |
26.09 | Utah Royals FC - Reign FC | 2:2 |
26.09 | Chicago Red Stars - Washington Spirit | 1:1 |
26.09 | Indios Denver FC - Olimpia FC | 5:0 |
26.09 | California Utd Strikers - LA Force | 2:3 |
26.09 | Rebels FC - Bafana United | 9:1 |
26.09 | Logrones SC - Club El Azul | 0:0 |
25.09 | Chattanooga FC - New York Cosmos | 0:0 |
25.09 | Michigan Stars - New Amsterdam FC | 2:2 |
24.09 | Oakland Roots - Detroit City FC | 1:2 |
23.09 | Chattanooga FC - LA Force | 2:0 |
22.09 | California United Strikers - New York Cosmos | 2:0 |
21.09 | Detroit City FC - Michigan Stars | 0:2 |
20.09 | North Texas SC - FC Tucson | 1:1 |
20.09 | Philadelphia Lone Star FC - Astoria Knights | 3:0 |
19.09 | North Jersey Alliance FC - Real New York FC | 1:0 |
19.09 | North Carolina Courage - Orlando Pride | 0:0 |
18.09 | Inter Detroit - Detroit United | 2:3 |
17.09 | Chattanooga FC - New Amsterdam FC | 3:0 |
14.09 | California United Strikers - Oakland Roots | 1:1 |
13.09 | Chattanooga FC - New York Cosmos | 2:1 |
13.09 | New Amsterdam FC - Michigan Stars | 0:3 |
12.09 | Washington Spirit - Chicago Red Stars | 2:1 |
07.09 | LA Force - Oakland Roots | 0:2 |
06.09 | Detroit City FC - New Amsterdam FC | 3:0 |
05.09 | Washington Spirit - Sky Blue FC | 1:2 |
03.09 | Colorado Springs - El Paso Locomotive FC | -:- |
31.08 | Celta USA - FK Orlando | 5:1 |
30.08 | North Texas Legends FC - Arlington FC | -:- |
29.08 | FC Harrington - Foro SC | 5:4 |
27.08 | Louisville City FC - Indy Eleven | (0:0) 1:0 |
23.08 | Foro SC - North Texas Legends FC | 6:1 |
23.08 | Michigan Stars Fc - Detroit City FC | 0:0 |
22.08 | New Amsterdam FC - New York Cosmos | 1:3 |
17.08 | GOSA Spurs - Macca Ballers FC | 1:3 |
16.08 | Detroit City FC - Chattanooga FC | 0:2 |
16.08 | New York Cosmos - Michigan Stars Fc | 1:1 |
16.08 | North Texas Legends FC - FC Harrington | 0:4 |
15.08 | Forward Madison FC - South Georgia Tormenta | 4:0 |
15.08 | Orlando City B - Fort Lauderdale CF | 1:1 |
10.08 | Maryland Bobcats FC - New York Cosmos | 1:1 |
09.08 | FC Baltimore - New Amsterdam FC | 3:0 |
09.08 | North Texas SC - Chattanooga Red Wolves SC | 2:2 |
09.08 | Michigan Stars Fc - Chattanooga FC | 2:1 |
09.08 | Orlando Rovers FC - Macca Ballers FC | 1:4 |
08.08 | Real Irving CD - North Texas Legends FC | 2:2 |
02.08 | Detroit City FC - FC Buffalo | 3:0 |
02.08 | Foro SC - FC Harrington | 4:2 |
02.08 | Soda City FC - Chattanooga FC | 0:3 |
02.08 | GOSA Spurs - Central Florida Mix | 2:0 |
01.08 | Savannah Clovers - Georgia Revolution | 1:0 |
26.07 | Soda City FC - Chattanooga FC | 0:0 |
25.07 | Savannah Clovers - Georgia Revolution | 0:0 |
19.07 | Seattle Reign FC - Chicago Red Star | 0:0 |
19.07 | Diaspora United - Celta USA | 3:0 |
19.07 | North Texas Legends FC - Foro SC | 1:0 |
19.07 | Macca Ballers FC - FK Orlando | 0:2 |
18.07 | Soda City FC - Georgia Revolution | 2:2 |
18.07 | Washington Spirit - Sky Blue FC | 0:0 |
18.07 | Houston Dash - Utah Royals FC | 1:0 |
12.07 | Savannah Clovers - Soda City FC | 1:2 |
12.07 | Chattanooga FC - Georgia Revolution | 3:1 |
12.07 | OFC Barca - Macca Ballers FC | 4:2 |
09.07 | Orlando City SC - Inter Miami CF | (0:0) 2:1 |
06.07 | Central Florida Mix - Diaspora United | 4:4 |
09.03 | Los Angeles FC - Philadelphia Union | (1:1) 3:3 |
09.03 | San Diego 1904 FC - California United Strikers | 0:0 |
09.03 | Rio Grande Valley FC - LA Galaxy II | (0:2) 1:5 |
09.03 | Portland Timbers - Nashville SC | (1:0) 1:0 |
08.03 | Swope Park Rangers - Charlotte Independence | (1:1) 1:2 |
08.03 | Atlanta United 2 - Charleston Battery | (0:0) 0:1 |
08.03 | Sacramento Republic FC - Tulsa Roughnecks FC | (1:0) 1:1 |
08.03 | San Diego Loyal SC - Las Vegas Lights | (1:1) 1:1 |
08.03 | Sacramento Gold FC - Sonoma County Sol | 2:2 |
08.03 | Academica SC - FC Davis | 2:0 |
08.03 | Seattle Sounders - Columbus Crew | (0:1) 1:1 |
08.03 | LA Galaxy - VANCOUVER WHITECAPS | (0:0) 0:1 |
08.03 | Phoenix Rising FC - Portland Timbers II | (3:1) 6:1 |
08.03 | Albion SC Pros - LAS Vegas Legends FC | 0:3 |
08.03 | Colorado Rapids - Orlando City SC | (0:0) 2:1 |
08.03 | San Antonio FC - Real Monarchs SLC | (0:0) 1:0 |
08.03 | Austin Bold FC - New Mexico United | (0:0) 1:0 |
08.03 | Sporting Kansas City - Houston Dynamo | (2:0) 4:0 |
08.03 | Saint Louis FC - Miami FC | (2:1) 4:1 |
08.03 | OKC Energy FC - Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC | (0:1) 1:2 |
08.03 | San Jose Earthquakes - Minnesota United FC | (1:4) 2:5 |
08.03 | Bethlehem Steel FC - Loudoun United FC | (0:0) 0:0 |
08.03 | Memphis 901 FC - Indy Eleven | (2:1) 2:4 |
08.03 | Atlanta United FC - FC Cincinnati | (1:0) 2:1 |
07.03 | Toronto FC - New York City FC | (0:0) 1:0 |
07.03 | Washington DC Utd - Inter Miami CF | (0:1) 2:1 |
07.03 | New York Red Bulls II - FC Tampa Bay Rowdies | (0:0) 0:1 |
07.03 | FC Dallas - Montreal Impact | (0:0) 2:2 |
07.03 | North Carolina FC - Louisville City FC | (0:0) 0:1 |
07.03 | Real Salt Lake - NY Red Bulls | (0:1) 1:1 |
07.03 | New England Revolution - Chicago Fire | (1:0) 1:1 |
07.03 | Orange County Blues FC - EL Paso Locomotive FC | (0:0) 0:0 |
07.03 | Tacoma Defiance - Reno 1868 FC | (1:0) 1:3 |
02.03 | Portland Timbers - Minnesota United FC | (0:0) 1:3 |
01.03 | Los Angeles FC - Inter Miami CF | (1:0) 1:0 |
01.03 | Seattle Sounders - Chicago Fire | (0:0) 2:1 |
01.03 | NY Red Bulls - FC Cincinnati | (2:0) 3:2 |
01.03 | Columbus Crew - New York City FC | (0:0) 1:0 |
01.03 | VANCOUVER WHITECAPS - Sporting Kansas City | (1:2) 1:3 |
01.03 | Nashville SC - Atlanta United FC | (1:2) 1:2 |
01.03 | FC Dallas - Philadelphia Union | (0:0) 2:0 |
01.03 | Orlando City SC - Real Salt Lake | (0:0) 0:0 |
29.02 | San Jose Earthquakes - Toronto FC | (0:1) 2:2 |
29.02 | Houston Dynamo - LA Galaxy | (0:1) 1:1 |
29.02 | El Farolito - Napa Valley 1839 FC | (0:0) 0:1 |
29.02 | Montreal Impact - New England Revolution | (1:1) 2:1 |
29.02 | Washington DC Utd - Colorado Rapids | (0:0) 1:2 |
23.02 | Temecula FC - FC Arizona | 2:2 |
16.02 | Real Salt Lake - Sporting Kansas City | (0:0) 0:0 |
05.01 | FF Premier - Tulsa Athletic U20 | 0:2 |
16.12 | FC Sharp Keys - FC Harrington | -:- |
15.12 | Somerset SC - Mansfield Revolution SC | 1:4 |
14.12 | Arlington FC - FC Waco | 1:1 |
09.12 | Miami United FC - Atletico Miami FC | 0:0 |
09.12 | FC Fort Worth - Inocentes FC | 2:3 |
07.12 | Miami United - Miami Aces | 1:1 |
25.11 | Sporting NTX - Lone Star Republic FC | 1:3 |
23.11 | Arlington FC - Foro SC | 3:4 |
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